CVS - Common commands



This is how you start a project, by importing either the empty directory of a new project, or the existing source files from an ongoing project that isn't yet in cvs.
module namethe name of the module from the cvs viewpoint
vendor tagFor importing existing files you can use the vendor release number here, for original projects it doesn't really matter what you put here.
your tagThis is a tag that you add to mark the baseline of your changes

co (checkout)

retrieves files from the repository, places them in the current directory.
-d directory - use this directory instead of the current one
-D datecheck out file closest to but after this date
-j check out a version
-r tag check out a tagged version of the document


this attempts to put your local copy of file in repository
-m 'message'specify the message associated with the changes you're about to commit
-F file file to use for the message


shows the difference between your source and the most recent repository source.
-r rev1 -r rev2show the difference between two specific revisons
-D date1 -D date2show the differences between two revisions as they were on the specified dates


bring your source up to date with the repository
-r rev update to this revision
-d create any new directories


show the status of your files


create symbolic names for file revisions allows files at different editing versions to be symbolically tied together